As a designer, what kind of questions you should ask yourself?

sanchita chugh
3 min readSep 30, 2020


Questions are a genuine expression of our curiosity and interest in something. They are the means by which people seek meaning in the surrounding world and often trigger our willingness to explore.

From deciding on a career in design, to resolving whilst working on a creative process, questions are an inherent part of breakthrough thinking. A designer is expected and required to provide solutions by following a ‘path’ that is both functional and intuitive at the same time. This ‘path’ is often more significant than the results.

Great questions lead to great design and guide with a better design thinking. It is the responsibility of a designer to identify opportunities, reveal underlying needs, and understand the user. It is imperative to reflect and introspect. The right question at the right time and context can make a significant impact on final outcome.

As a designer, never accept a problem by its face value. Instead, try to find the real problem — the problem behind the problem.

Questions that a designer must keep going back to:-

1. What problem are we trying to solve? Will our solution achieve the goal?

image source: google

Always start with why. As a matter of fact, a good answer can only be established after a good understanding of the question.

Understand the user goal as well yours. Being a designer, you can lead the way and apply your philosophies, keeping in mind the demands of the project. Achieve a balance between your vision and client’s end goal. As a designer, the role is to influence behavior. That starts with validating the problem. This is a part of job in designing field.

2. Who is the user?

A designer needs to know enough detail about the user to get into their head, to empathize with them and to see the world through their eyes. Designer must be able to understand and speak the same language as users do, metaphorically.

A proper alignment with the user and client enables an effective approach and thus, better solution.

3. What already exists

With so much development that has already happened, thinking out of the box is as challenging as it can get. We have software that can design buildings, we have websites for our design inspiration. We have places where we can get ready-to-use vector graphics. The role and scope of design has moved beyond that.

4. What are the constraints of a project- time, budget, effort.

We live in a fast paced world where EOD is the most natural deadline. The difference between an ideal and real situation is defined by the constraints. There can never be enough time and money. Both client and designer need to come to terms with that and provide the ‘best possible’

5. Will the design still be relevant in future

Le Corbusier, a master architect reimagined the city of Chandigarh in 1945 and he could foresee the future and respond to it as a designer. The socio- economic and living conditions of the user were a key consideration in the design.

At a time, when automobiles were scarce, the city was designed in such a way that it is relevant and a brilliant experiment of urban planning. The city, in a way is timeless, and stands functional even in 2020.

A designer is always known through his work, and that work must speak for itself. This can only happen once we “start with why”.

